
Paragon Founders Reflect on 2021

Here we are again, in a blink, celebrating the end of another year with holiday festivities and a new year just around the corner.  We have found so many things to be grateful for and we hope you have too!

Despite the long shadow of the pandemic and variant fears, the US is vaccinating more people and immunity is on the rise, and thus getting us even closer to what we left behind in early 2020.  So many people and livelihoods have been negatively affected this past year, and despite that there have been bright spots.

We talk to people in and out of our industry, and with a few exceptions, the economy is improving and businesses are too.  In many cases, record years are being realized.  Income is up, jobs for those wanting to work are in strong supply and optimism is improving.

Paragon has had the good fortune of another solid year of performance, hiring many (9) new faces to support a growing customer base across Arizona, Iowa, Minnesota and Nebraska.  Our team is extremely excited about the prospect of 2022, and coming off a year-end meeting and holiday party where enthusiasm and gratitude were at an all-time high!  We are so fortunate to have such a great team of dedicated people ready to serve our customers, consultants, and each other.

We have had our fair share of serious challenges this year but our team has stepped up in a big way to support each other both personally and professionally.  To see the sincere care and support towards each other in each unique situation was inspiring to say the least.  We have felt like we have created the right culture at Paragon and have prioritized what really matters.

Our newest employees have had a heavy dose of ‘drinking from a fire hose’ as the pace in our industry and demand for IT talent rises.  The Great Resignation and a return to the pre-pandemic economy are creating plenty of opportunities that our team is tackling with excitement and vigor.

We are reaching for greater heights, actively seeking discomfort to get to the real growth, skilling up and digging in for another exciting year at Paragon.

To all of our customers, consultants, supporters, and team, we want to say thank you.  Thank you for having faith in us, and helping Paragon not just survive but thrive.  We could not feel more gratitude than we do today!

We hope you have a safe and happy holiday season and that you share the best of yourselves with the ones you care most about!


Craig & Joel Jackman

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